Essential features of APA dissertation format

Most students tend to confuse between essays and dissertation as these two seem similar but you will find that they are quite different the dissertation looks more of academic books. There are marks for the format of your dissertation and you may not want to miss on these because of ignorance. There are different types of dissertations. There are those that have primary research, others have secondary research and finally tertiary research. You may find that the structure varies depending o0n which essay you are writing. American psychology association dissertations have their own format too. Below are some of the features of this dissertation format.

  • The title page
    Its format varies depending on the institution that one is in. It majorly includes the title of your dissertation, your name, the date of submission, the degree that you are taking. As a much as it is the first part of your paper, most of the time it is written last.
  • Write an abstract
    What is an abstract? This is a short mostly ranges between 150 to 300 words but intensive description of the problem, your findings and what you have summarized. If you did experiments this is where you now explain the methods that you used and why you chose them and explain systematically how this experiment led to your findings. An abstraction should be one paragraph with no separations.
  • The body
    This is the major part of your paper. APA cite dissertation papers are written in two tenses strictly that is the present perfect and past tense. Do not use vague sentences for the pur5poses of clarity. Avoid the usage of words that are not necessary. Do not force one marking to go back to the dictionary by using bid words as this may tend to annoy him or her. To add on that avoid the use of decorative language such as poetry and proverbs. Be objective at all times. Do not use insulting language. At one point you may feel that you strongly disagree with some facts. If you think something is nonsense use phrases such as lacking in certain areas and i beg to differ. Always acknowledge points that do not agree with your topic so as to make your argument stronger. Be gender sensitive. Something else that is important is the header. It is placed at the upper left corner of your work. The header should be written in capital letters and not more than 50 characters. A header is a summary of your title. Check the requirements of the header from your institution.
  • Citation and the reference section
    Here, you ought to employ a perfect APA citation for dissertation include all references at the top of your page and the references which should not be in capital letters; bold or underlined should be double spaced. Write all the sources that you have included in your paper. By focusing on the above features, you will get all the marks.